Effective, strategic,
no-nonsense planning advice

Andrew Burgess BA Hons MRTPI FRSA is an independent planning consultant offering high-level strategic advice for planning, land acquisition and development.

An RTPI Chartered Town Planner, he has more than three decades of experience in planning consultancy and public consultation.

He was formerly a Director of national planning consultancy Turley, Operations Board Director of Churchill Retirement Living and MD of Planning Issues, Churchill’s in-house planning consultancy.

This pedigree, complemented by an impressive network of specialists which he handpicks for every project, ensures he offers an effective, no-nonsense approach to planning advice at every level.

Living near Winchester in Hampshire, Andrew personally manages all shapes and sizes of planning projects across the UK.

Expertise, honesty, integrity, commerciality, and pragmatism are at the heart of his consultancy advice, ensuring client’s planning objectives are delivered, and every proposal stands the greatest chance of success.

Project expertise

Andrew’s expertise spans more than three decades and every shape and size of initiative – here are just some of his specialist areas of expertise.

For a free 15-minute scoping consultation just get in touch.


Major residential developments and community facilities.

Custom & Self-build

An increasingly important key part of the planning system.

Retirement housing

Sheltered and later life housing, care homes and retirement villages.

Country Estates

Prestigous countryside homes and estate decelopment in sensitive locations.

Luxury hotels

Luxury hotels in the Green Belt and rural locations

Pubs & restaurants

New build, building works and change of use to residential

Business parks

Office buildings including HQ buildings


Warehousing, factories, food production, car parts, boat building and more.

Hazardous waste

Dockside storage and processing waste.


Schools, colleges, universities and nurseries including playing field development.


Co-operative grain stores, farms, fisheries and agricultural housing.


Horse breeding, recreational horses, livery yards and polo grounds.


Appraisal and risk assessment

Assessing a potential development against the backdrop of planning policy, location and local characteristics is key. An initial site visit, desktop scope, review, appraisal and clear strategy will ensure the success of an application. Just as importantly, the appraisal can save money and time if a site is not viable.

Preparing and submitting applications

Detailed, relevant and specialist-informed applications, whether for Planning or for a Certificate of Lawful Use, can make all the difference between approval or rejection of an application. These are developed, working with the in-depth appraisal process to give every application its best possible chance.

Public consultation

Andrew has successfully driven many ambitious and often controversial initiatives. As a result, he understands the politics of planning and public affairs. He has in-depth knowledge of public consultation and the ability to present development projects to influence stakeholders – local residents, councillors, Members of Parliament and civil servants. 


The appeals process demands clear representation of both facts, planning policy and legal parameters. As specialists at lodging planning appeals Andrew and his team prepare Statements and Proofs of Evidence for appeals determined by Written Representations, Informal Hearings and Public Inquiries. We reach a balanced planning judgment assessing the merits of the particular case and come to a conclusion on the benefits of the proposal to justify granting planning permission.


Preparation and submission of evidence at Local Plan Inquiries

Fundamental to Strategic Land Development is promoting proposals through the Development Plan Examination Process to establish the framework to bring forward future planning applications. We are active at bringing forward new housing and mixed use allocations in Local Plans. We are also have considerable experience of revising planning policies favourably to support new development, including revising the boundaries of the urban area and designations such as National Parks.


Expert Planning Witness


As a Chartered Member of the Royal Town Planning Institute and having specialised in planning for more than 30 years, Andrew regularly acts as an expert witness in legal proceedings and appears at court hearings, planning appeals and inquiries. He has coordinated and defended legal challenges at the highest level, including the High Court and the Court of Appeal.


Instruction of Planning Counsel by direct access to the Bar


Andrew works with some of the leading Planning Barristers in the country and has developed a long term working relationship with them. This collaborative approach means that evidence can be prepared to the highest standard and presented in a succinct, professional and effective way.


Objections to planning applications and development plans


We act for individuals and local groups opposing planning applications and development plan proposals where there are material planning objections that can substantiate a credible objection to unacceptable development. Objections are made in writing and at the Planning Committee in person or at the Local Plan Examination. Our knowledge of the “politics of planning” and campaigning ensures we can navigate the planning system and lobby local politicians and Members of Parliament to gain their support.

We are currently overseeing a number of applications for the  registration of land as a Village Green. As defined in the Commons Act 2006, where the land has been used by a significant number of local people for recreation ‘as of right’ for at least 20 years.


Negotiating Planning Conditions and S106 Planning Obligations requires an expert understanding of Planning Law.

Ensuring planning conditions and legal agreements are not onerous and unreasonable is an important part of Government policy. We are skilled at negotiating the wording of planning conditions and S106 Planning Obligations. We ensure that there are repayment clauses for financial contributions that are not spent, that obligations are fair and reasonable and relevant to the development.



Please send an email to andrew@andrewburgessplanning.co.uk with further information on your query and attach any documents to provide further clarification.

Please also include your Name and Address and a mobile number.
It would also be helpful to include a planning application reference number and the name of the Local Authority.

We will then acknowledge your email and give you a response time.

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